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Artist Requests

This human's greatest strength (at least in his opinion) is his writing ability. That being said he is totally inapt when it comes to drawing, graphics or other things. As such we would feel very grateful about anyone who might help us out in this regard. Unlike our search for capable betas we are not really as strict as to what we are looking for. Basically:

If you want to draw something for any of our fanfiction then you are welcome to as long as you ask us first.

Aside from that this is a basic (short) list of what we would like to see (for now).

Since we seldom provide much in the form of visible description of character clothing etc. within our stories, feel free to be creative or better yet trade suggestions/ideas with us.

If you are an inspiring artist (preferably someone who thinks they are at least decent) and would like to contribute to any of these, then please contact us for details. Please include the following:

Submit your application to: (Subject: Artist Request)

We are very unlikely to turn you away if you just want to draw something. Whatever skills you may have after all... his are even worse!

M&M DreamWorks©2013 by Matthias Engel aka MysticMew. | Impressum | Contact Info