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Christmas Dance Added

TFSTTM Reloaded 3-01 Added

TFSTTM Reloaded 3-Prologue Added

Fanfiction Archive

And here we are. The heart of this whole site. The reason M&M DreamWorks exists. We know that personal fanfiction sites are seldom visited anymore but we wanted and needed a place to archive our works online in the most efficient format. The big archives have gotten progressively worse over the years to do so. Less and less is accepted in terms of format and special keys. We hope that the hard work that has gone into making this as presentable as possible is appreciated.

In this section, Matthias/MysticMew will archive all of his active works. For now this is mostly TFSTTM Reloaded and perhaps Facets of Magic (honestly why are we even starting Mega-Crossovers anymore?). All older works will remain on MSD which will for now remain accessible for anyone interested.

By focusing only on my current projects, we can provide you with a few more formats. Each chapter/episode will be accessible as a polished and stylized html format (done mostly by hand and NOT by Word *cough*) and a pdf file converted directly from the original docx file. Larger arcs will further be compressed and offered as zip files.


The Final Step to the Master Reloaded

Ash is fed up with always coming up short and decides to train seriously before the Sinnoh League. Little does he expect that this is just the beginning of a long and hard trial put before him, Dawn and many of his other friends. An epic tale of battles, adventure and some romance.


Christmas Dance

My Minaru-Christmas Story 2013.

M&M DreamWorks©2013 by Matthias Engel aka MysticMew. | Impressum | Contact Info